Rose Irelan, California Plein Air and Figurative Painter
Rose Irelan is a Fine Artist and an Art Educator residing in Poway, CA. She attended the Columbus College of Art and Design, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Illustration and minoring in Fine Art, and has lived in California since 1985. In 2003 she opened RoseArt Atelier, which provides art instruction in classical painting, drawing and illustration to children, teens and adults.
Artist Statement
“I paint to express feelings beyond words … to capture the awe and the beauty of the moment and to illuminate a deeper spirit in nature and people. I am especially interested in capturing Nature’s rich and rugged displays of light, color and beauty in my work. I want my paintings to convey the entire experience of the wind, the sea and the terrain: I paint to unveil the soul of a subject. In my work I portray the poignancy of each day on Earth so others can see what I feel when I am inspired. My intention is to convey that deep connection to the beauty of our natural world and to share a touching moment of life that is beyond words. This is why I paint.”